Monday 2 July 2018

Windows cmd command for resetting permission and taking ownership of files

TAKEOWN /F "<FolderPath>" /R /D Y

eg TAKEOWN /F "E:\Symbols" /R /D Y

To take ownership of file in current folder

takeown /R /F *

To reset all file permission got that folder using

cd yourfolder→

icacls * /T /Q /C /RESET

setup cannot find the file office.en-us\microsoft.vc80.crt.manifest

if setup cannot find the file office.en-us\microsoft.vc80.crt.manifest
 then remove .xml extension
eg:-microsoft.vc80.crt.manifest.xml to microsoft.vc80.crt.manifest

Poem aymen

 Aymen, a name that rings like a bell, A person of character, with stories to tell. With a heart full of kindness and a mind sharp and brigh...